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GOGLA and IKEA Foundation announce transformative Scaling PURE partnership

GOGLA, the global association for the off-grid solar energy industry, and the IKEA Foundation are delighted to announce a strategic partnership to scale the productive use of renewable energy (PURE) across Asia and Africa. The partnership provides GOGLA with funding of EUR 4 million over four years to help the off-grid solar sector to advance solar PURE technologies that can help to modernise agriculture, improve food and water security, power micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and electrify health infrastructure.

The announcement was made during the South Asia Forum for Distributed Energy (SAFDE), held at the India Habitat Centre in New Delhi from August 23-24, 2023.

IKEA Foundation has also announced its endorsement of the GOGLA ‘Power 1 Billion Lives’ UN Energy Compact, joining over 100 other organisations behind the shared vision of bringing renewable energy to underserved communities. With clear calls to action and a roadmap for all stakeholders, the ‘Power 1 Billion Lives’ Energy Compact is designed to help the off-grid solar sector scale its impact and rapidly provide green, modern energy to 1 billion people by 2030, reaching 190 million with PURE technologies.