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International Solar Alliance’s Global Solar Facility set to receive a capital contribution of $35 million dollars

The International Solar Alliance (ISA) today announced that the Global Solar Facility
(GSF), a payment guarantee fund formed by ISA to stimulate investments into solar power projects, is set
to receive a capital contribution of $35 million dollars.

The Global Solar Facility (GSF) is designed to catalyse solar investments in underserved segments and
geographies across Africa, unlocking commercial capital in the process. Last year, the ISA Assembly
approved the Global Solar Facility, which is expected to attract private capital to flow into off-grid solar
projects, rooftop solar projects, and productive use solar projects. This financing vehicle, bolstered by
payment guarantees, insurance, and investment funds, aims to mitigate project risks, provide technical
assistance to address regulatory gaps, reduce currency risks, and resolve contractual and financial
uncertainties in the solar energy sector.

The Government of India is considering a $25 million investment as capital contribution in the GSF in
addition to $10 million coming from the ISA. Bloomberg Philanthropies and CIFF have also committed
their support to the GSF.

Shri R K Singh, Minister of Power and New & Renewable Energy, Government of India, and the
President, International Solar Alliance Assembly said, “Global Solar Facility aims to leverage investments
to accelerate transition to solar energy. The target for the GSF is to raise 100 million USD. Africa has
immense potential in deploying solar energy capacities, yet due to risks in investments, the region has not
been able to leverage its potential. The GSF aims to address this challenge and provide security to
investments. India is a good example of development due to private sector investments. It has no sovereign
risks and has a strong legal and security framework with a dispute mechanism and a security of payments,
which has enabled India to attract investments. In the years to come, we will look at globalising the GSF. I
invite all the Member Countries and organisations to partner with us in making this Facility a catalyst for
the transformative change that we all are working towards

Director General of the International Solar Alliance, Dr Ajay Mathur said, “The GSF has been working
towards crowd sourcing investments from various international donors. We are delighted to have the
support of Government of India, CIFF and Bloomberg Philanthropies. This will enhance the confidence of
investors to invest in decentralized solar application in Africa and enhance the certainty in receiving returns
on their investments and could lead to a sea change in global investment patterns

The ISA highlighted that the GSF is expressly designed to provide investors with the confidence to take up
projects in Africa and to enabling $10 billion in investments, which will further clean energy access in 35–
40 million African households by 2030 and benefit around 200 million people in the region.

Commenting about why the GSF was needed, Dr Mathursaid, “The world requires an investment of $12.5
trillion in renewable energy and $23 billion in off-grid solar by 2030. The ISA through its Global Solar Facility
is stepping up as current global solar investment falls woefully short, constituting only 10% of the required
amount for achieving net-zero emissions. Additionally, there is profound disparity in investments — with
developing countries, home to over 50% of the global population, receiving just 15% of 2022's renewable
energy investments. Sub-Saharan Africa's per capita renewable energy investment has plummeted by 44%
from 2015 to 2021. In stark contrast, investments in North America are 41 times higher, and in Europe,
they are 57 times greater. The GSF will further our vision of addressing the urgent need for universal energy
access and a clean energy transition.

Ms Kate Hampton, Chief Executive Officer of CIFF said, “We are thrilled to announce CIFF's commitment
to seed funding the International Solar Alliance's Global Solar Facility, which will unlock critical low-cost
institutional and private sector investment for solar in ISA member countries. Here and in all our work, CIFF
is resolute in its commitment to championing clean, affordable energy, to driving the global energy
transition, and to securing a livable planet for children and young people around the world

Antha Williams, who leads environment programs at Bloomberg Philanthropies, said, "African countries
are positioned to be global leaders in solar power but lack the capital necessary to unlock their untapped
potential. Bloomberg Philanthropies looks forward to continuing its partnership with the International
Solar Alliance through the Global Solar Facility to help facilitate the widespread deployment of solar energy
projects across the continent not only to help solidify the continent as a global leader on clean energy but
also address the twin challenges of energy poverty and the climate crisis

The ISA highlighted the need for diversifying investments in solar energy in Africa for mitigating climate
change and a balanced energy transition. Despite its vast solar potential, Africa possesses only 1.3% of the
world’s installed solar capacity (11.4 GW out of 849 GW in 2021). With nearly 600 million people in Africa
lacking access to electricity, there exists a compelling case for distributed solar power projects. Following
the approval and launch of GSF at COP27, the ISA Secretariat has been conducting discussions with
potential investors including member countries, development finance institutions, pension funds, and
potential investment managers from across the world. The ISA has signed Memorandum of Understanding
(MOUs) with Multi-Lateral Investment Guarantee Fund (MIGA), Africa 50, West African Development Bank
(BOAD) for facilitating investments through the GSF in Africa.

After Africa, the GSF aims to expand to regions such as Asia, Latin America and the Middle East, where
the Regional Facilities will be tailored to meet specific requirements. In the future, GSF plans to invest in
innovative technologies to enhance solar energy efficiency, support startups for faster solar energy
implementation, and explore emerging solar energy sectors.