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Egroup discussion on Sustainable inclusive irrigation in the context of climate change

SNV is organising a moderated Egroup discussion on the topic “Sustainable inclusive irrigation in the context of climate change” as part of its learning activities around irrigation. This multi-sector (i.e. agri-food, water, and energy) discussion kicks off next Wednsesday (5 June) and is for all people interested in irrigation and climate resilience in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. We are looking to engage as many perspectives as possible and strongly encourage the participation of experts across all sectors to join the conversation!

What we will we discuss?
We will look into the current state of irrigation in different countries, as well as future ambitions considering demographic developments and climate change. We will reflect upon the different reforms and investments which are taking place in the regions as well as intervention strategies and their implications for food and water security.

When will the discussion take place?
The Egroup will run from Wednesday the 5th of June to the 25th of June. It will consist of three blocks:

Block 1, 5th – 11th of June: The current state of irrigation

Block 2, 12th – 18th of June: The future ambition for irrigation

Block 3, 19th – 25th of June: Intervention strategies for sustainable and inclusive irrigation

How does it work?
The Egroup discussion is an email-based discussion, where participants can read and respond to participants' contributions via their mailbox. All you have to do is send an email subscribe to

You can also access the discussion through the web interface: Once registered, you can also participate in the discussion via your mobile if you download the app.

On the first day of the discussion, Wednesday 5th of June, you will find a number of questions in your inbox. Everybody is invited to share their ideas, comments and examples, responding to the Egroup message. All experiences and opinions are welcome and please don’t be shy to contribute.

The discussion will be held in English, but we are happy for you to use Google Translate to translate your messages (please add the original text as well in that case).

At the end of each block, we will strive to prepare a summary of all the inputs provided. The overall summary will be shared by the 30th of June and will feed into a face-to-face workshop on the same topics in Tanzania.